
Saint Michael's Church
Penn Yan, NY
Parish Founded: 1850
Current Church: 1902


Saint Michael's Catholic School
Penn Yan, NY
School Founded: 1882
Grades: PreK-5


Saint Patrick's Church
Prattsburg, NY
Parish Founded: 1860
Current Church: 1868


Saint Januarius' Church
Naples, NY
Parish Founded: 1876
Current Church: 1964

2023 Vocations poster
Orzels working on Pflaum weekly lesson
LaChapelle Shrine
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Welcome to Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Community!

The celebration in honor of St. Patrick on 3/16 was great!  Go to the Gallery to see pictures.

Order Daffodils from PY's Care Net to help local families and bring some sun into your life, or the life of someone you know.  See details on the News & Events page.

Go to Ministries>Pro-Life and Social to learn what Bishop Matano wants us to understand about the broad changes happening Federally.  Read the Justice, Peace & Life, JustUS and other newsletters for ways to act.  Links found at the bottom of the News & Events page.

See the Lenten schedule for local opportunities to pray, fast and give alms.  Here's the link for the 3/12 book study with Patty.  Enjoy this illustrated guide to fasting and abstinence.   Many additional resources are available online.  Use our parish subscription to access many from Formed .  Go to the Gallery to see who has participated in Grandma's Kitchen 2025.

How well are we incorporating these 3 events into our lives?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


Jubilee Year:   See our page on this website for info and ways to be Pilgrims of Hope!

Eucharistic Revival:  We are in the Year of Mission.   Say “yes” to a special form of heart-to-heart accompaniment called the "Walk With One" initiative.  Our families, neighborhoods, and country will be transformed if every active Catholic answers this call!  More info at https://tinyurl.com/5atzf74a Webinars, open to EVERYONE, help us know how to evangelize with charity and confidence.  They are available by registering at this link.  For all info about this go to the "National Eucharistic Revival" page.      

Synod on Synodality:  Our United Stated Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) have finished their gathering.  Go to the News & Events page to learn more. 

In 2025, the Jubilee Year, do you want to grow closer to Christ? Do the 5-week series on Formed, called, "Living Faith." Learn how to approach each day with intention; face challenges with courage and hope and deepen your relationship with God in the everyday moments. Do it as an individual, or get your friends together and do it as a small group.

Go to the News & Events tab to learn about:

  • Local offerings
  • The Synodal Journey
  • What to expect when attending Mass at our worship sites
  • Staying connected with our Facebook page
  • Pro-Life opportunities
  • Registering for Faith Formation and supporting St. Michael's School
  • Accessing FORMED, the Catholic faith on demand, our parish's gift to everyone!  Learn, love and live our Catholic faith!
  • Putting our faith into action using the Catholic Action Network
  • A variety of newsletters to keep us connected, including the latest edition of Creating A Safe Environment.
  • And information offering help.

We are still collecting to fix the roofs and steps of our church buildings.  Any amount you can contribute will help.  Please mark "Roof & steps" in the memo area of your check.  Thanks, in advance.

 Is the theme for this year's appeal.  Thanks to your generosity, we have met our goal of $58,000.  The money is used like this: Catholic Ministries Appeal | Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester (dor.org).  If you pledged, please continue to complete it.

I pray for us and hope to meet you in person, at Mass!

God bless you!

                                                                            Fr. Leo Reinhardt, Pastor

"Protect yourself; use Holy Water."  Fr. Rocky, Relevant Radio

We offer We Share for all opportunities to support Our Lady of the Lakes financially.  Locally, we have many unmet financial needs.  Please be generous.

Our annual report:  2022-2023 OLOL Annual Parish Report

For future Holiday and Holy Day Mass schedules, please see the events/parish calendar or call 315-536-7459.

For all Sacramental and Business inquiries, please contact us at:
Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Community Parish Center
210 Keuka Street
Penn Yan, NY 14527
Fax 315-536-3817

Additional Contact Information


Our Locations, Mass Times and Events

Weekly Bulletins: Click Here

Come worship the Lord with us!  

Mass Times*                                                                    St. Michael, 312 Liberty St., Penn Yan  14527
Monday - 8 am
Wednesday - Noon
T/Th/Fr - 8 am Communion Service                                  Saturday - 5:30 pm
Sunday 10:30 am & Streaming @
https://www.facebook.com/ourladyofthelakescc              Adoration:  Thursdays, 8:30-9:30 AM

St. Januarius, 180 N. Main St., Naples  14512
Tuesday & Thursday at 8 am.  Adoration follows Mass on Thursdays.                M/W/Fr - 8 am Communion Service
Sunday - 8:30 am

St. Patrick, 47 N. Main St., Prattsburgh  14873
Saturday - 3:30 pm

*For Holy Day/Holiday Schedule of Mass times, please call 315-536-7459 or check the preceding bulletin.

Sacramental Reconciliation & PenanceSaturday:  5-5:20 PM at St. Michael's, or call Fr. Leo (607-279-3750) to make an appointment.

The parish office in Penn Yan is staffed, M-F, 9 AM - 1 PM.

Travelling and don't want to miss Mass?  Find them on Sunday Mass Near Me.

Volunteer Here!

Donate To OLOL!

Copyright © 2025 Our Lady of the Lakes   |   Scroll to top ↑
Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester   ·   1150 Buffalo Road   ·   Rochester, NY 14624
DOR Safe Environment Info   ·   www.dor.org