
Saint Michael's Church
Penn Yan, NY
Parish Founded: 1850
Current Church: 1902


Saint Michael's Catholic School
Penn Yan, NY
School Founded: 1882
Grades: PreK-5


Saint Patrick's Church
Prattsburg, NY
Parish Founded: 1860
Current Church: 1868


Saint Januarius' Church
Naples, NY
Parish Founded: 1876
Current Church: 1964

2023 Vocations poster
Orzels working on Pflaum weekly lesson
LaChapelle Shrine
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Faith Formation Registration

The Religious Education programming and Sacramental preparation programs (including the OCIA/C) are intended to help us to learn and understand our faith and to know, love and serve God and our neighbor.  Throughout our lifetimes God calls us to a closer relationship with Him and His creation.  No matter your age, consider taking advantage of all of the opportunities for learning more about our rich faith.


FORMED, the Catholic Faith on Demand.  Use our parish subscription* to get online content for everyone in the family.  *Signup.formed.org; enter 14527 and select Our Lady of the Lakes.  Enter your email address, then go to your inbox.

Virtual Catholic Conference. It offers great instruction from online conferences in bitesize chunks that you can enjoy on your own time.

Don’t forget about the Amen app (free download) for daily Bible reading, music, kid stuff and more. God wants to have a robust relationship with us!

Family Faith Formation                               

The home is the “domestic church.”  Children learn from their parents (and siblings) what is important.  If God is placed first, then family members will experience love and how to seek forgiveness for transgressions.  Parents who show their children how to pray and pray with them, count one’s blessings, work together for the common good, and to seek forgiveness are sharing characteristics of Christ.  The religious education parents received as children may not equip them enough to share the great story of God’s love, Salvation History.  It may not equip them to convey the teachings of our faith.  That is why we learn together as families.

We use the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies.  At home, by working on the weeklies together, parents will have confidence passing on the faith because they also have weekly pages to complete.  Once/month all families will gather for group learning and fun.  We begin on Catechetical Sunday (9/17) and end in June.  Please ask for a registration form to be sent to you, or pick one up at any of the worship sites.

Additional opportunities to grow in faith exist in joining book/Bible studies, the work of the many committees of the parish, the Catholic Daughters of the Americas, the Knights of Columbus, OLOL’s Men’s group and through diocesan sponsored events.

Sacramental Preparation

Baptism — Please contact Fr. Leo.

Reconciliation and Eucharist — The age of reason (when a child knows right from wrong) is about at age 7.  For that reason, children are accepted in these preparation programs at that age (or older), but must have completed 1 full year of Religious Education and must also be enrolled in the current year of religious ed.  Please click on the appropriate link for the form.

Confirmation — Available to students who are in 8th grade or higher.  In this parish it can be done as a summer intensive with monthly meets/assignments, or classes 2x monthly.  Each year of formation needs to total a minimum of 30 contact hours.  Each year includes a 5 hour retreat (required).  Contact Patty with questions/to register.

Matrimony — Please contact Fr. Leo.

Has life, or the life of another Catholic caused you to want to know more about our Catholic faith? Become a Catholic?  Maybe you left the faith, or never completed your Sacraments of Initiation.  The OCIA/C is for you.  Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) — Contact Fr. Leo.  Order of Christian Initiation of Children (OCIC) If you are a parent feeling called to make a deeper commitment with a child who did not prepare for the sacraments at the usual ages, then this program is for you and your child. — Contact Patty.

The Catechism states the following about believing and faith, “Believing is possible only by grace and the interior helps of the Holy Spirit. But it is no less true that believing is an authentically human act. Trusting in God and cleaving to the truths he has revealed is contrary neither to human freedom nor to human reason. Even in human relations it is not contrary to our dignity to believe what other persons tell us about themselves and their intentions, or to trust their promises (for example, when a man and a woman marry) to share a communion of life with one another.  If this is so, still less is it contrary to our dignity to “yield by faith the full submission of… intellect and will to God who reveals,” and to share in an interior communion with him.” (CCC 154)

Our Catholic Christianity is based on Scripture and Tradition.  It is so rich, it can seem complicated.  Uncomplicate it by asking for resources!  

Contact us Here



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