
Saint Michael's Church
Penn Yan, NY
Parish Founded: 1850
Current Church: 1902


Saint Michael's Catholic School
Penn Yan, NY
School Founded: 1882
Grades: PreK-5


Saint Patrick's Church
Prattsburg, NY
Parish Founded: 1860
Current Church: 1868


Saint Januarius' Church
Naples, NY
Parish Founded: 1876
Current Church: 1964

2023 Vocations poster
Orzels working on Pflaum weekly lesson
LaChapelle Shrine
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“But Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord, “Behold, half of my possessions, Lord, I shall give to the poor, and if I have extorted anything from anyone I shall repay it four times over.” (Luke 19:8)

Seems reasonable that if we are asking you to donate, that you should know how that money is being spent.  Therefore, here is the 18-19 Financial Summary.  For what you have given and will continue to give, we offer our heartfelt “Thanks.”

Without your generous support it would be impossible to keep Our Lady Lakes operating and staffed.  With your help we can continue the mission of Christ and to follow his command to “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). To make your contribution go even farther, consider donating online through WeShare.   It’s safe and secure.  If you do this, please contact Melissa Conrad at the parish center so that your envelopes can be cancelled.

Together let us continue to build the Kingdom of God and to recharge this world with Catholic vigor! Together and through your action and support we can change the world and help make our parish great!

“For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be” (Luke 12:34)



Amazon Smile!

Want a unique way of helping out the Parish? Try Amazon Smile! Amazon smile, is a unique way to help Our Parish raise money. If you are an Amazon Prime Member simply type https://smile.amazon.com/ into your url box or click the link, sign in and select Our Lady of the Lakes Church (Penn Yan). Amazon will donate .5% of your total to Our Parish! This means by shopping and buying your favorite goods and gadgets on Amazon Prime  you help support Our Parish which is all of our worship sites and the school! Also unlike many other charitable services we get 100% of all the money that we raise! nothing goes to executives at Amazon or anyone else, the money is ours! Do you have more questions?

Let us just say one last time especially if you have donated and supported Our Lady of the Lakes today or if you are a regular or occasional financial supporter… THANK YOU!!



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