Use this 2025 Lenten schedule to pray, fast and give alms with other members of OLOLCC. Many other online opportunities, like those in Formed, exist to help us root out sin and draw closer to Jesus. Fr. Mark Toups of Ascension Press invites us to pray what Christ likely would have prayed during his final hours in Toups’ book, The Way of the Cross: Praying the Psalms with Jesus. This transformational book can be yours for free (just pay shipping).
Easter is just around the corner. Bring some “sunshine” into your life or someone you know by ordering daffodils (by 4/4) from PY’s Care Net. (315) 536-7333
If “discipleship is woven into the fabric of our normal lives in which knowledge, faith and practice are totally connected” we make the Kingdom tangible here and now. — Caesar Kalinowski How do you live out being a disciple in your everyday life? Daily Scripture readings are available on the Amen app (along with a whole lot more!) or Daily Bible Readings, Audio and Video Every Morning | USCCB Or use the 5-week series on Formed, called, “Living Faith.” Learn how to approach each day with intention; face challenges with courage and hope and deepen your relationship with God in the everyday moments. Do it as an individual, or get your friends together and do it as a small group.
Help those who have endured loss or hurt. Show compassion by being a part of the national mental health campaign. Call 988 with or for a person experiencing distress. Normalize mental health by talking about what you do to maintain yours. Each County has an office of Community Services, for Ontario, Steuben, & Yates. The Yates Prevention Coalition is working hard to help all have better overall health, free of addictions & suicide. Suicide, a life taken by despair and hopelessness. Was it the ultimate cry for someone to care?
This month’s Internet Safety training is made possible from our contributions to the Catholic Ministries Appeal.
Eucharistic Revival: This is the third of three years of Eucharistic Revival. The Revival has 4 main goals. We have a diocesan website for regional growth and celebration. On our website see the page, “The National Eucharistic Revival.” Go there to learn how to deepen and share God’s love for us in the Eucharist. Be fed at Mass! Adore at Holy Hours. See the bulletin for places, dates and times. (Need a refresher on Adoration? View this: A Beginner’s Guide to Eucharistic Adoration – Busted Halo Having a booklet like this one, may help. For younger children, view this video.) Listen to the new Eucharistic hymns. The orchestrators of the music of the NEC, have a playlist of music from the Congress and musicians that were there. It’s not all live, but there’s the same variety of music and great songs. It’s on Spotify as National Eucharistic Congress x Catholic Music Initiative. Or here. See the “National Eucharistic Revival” page for more!
Pro-Life: It is imperative that we, as Catholics, do all we can to take the higher moral ground, reminding each other of the Commandments and serving as Jesus would have to those who find themselves in a pregnancy that is inconvenient or unplanned. Jesus died to give us life. Will we die to selfishness to live for Him, building a culture of life?
- Stand Out for Life, affirms the dignity of all human persons, with a special emphasis on children in the womb, pregnant moms in need (being exploited for profit, abortion workers, etc.) Every 4th Saturday, from 9 -10:30AM, outside of the Regional Headquarters of Planned Parenthood of Central and Western NY (114 University Ave., Downtown Rochester). You can join this peaceful, prayerful event. Bring a Rosary.
- Find out more from GU’s Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life, or this from FORMED.
A retreat is a great way to deepen your relationship with God by removing all the normal activities of everyday life. Many are scheduled through Notre Dame Retreat House.
Laudato Si’ is a lifestyle. The Laudato Si’ Action Platform calls all Catholics to take seriously our moral obligation to address environmental degradation and climate change. The Catholic Climate Covenant wants us to show support for reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from power plants by personalizing and signing a letter to our senators. View a slide show about S. 1863. Are you an environmentalist? Do you want to help us and our brothers and sisters adopt “green” practices? Call/email Patty about developing a “Green Team.” View “The Letter” a full-length documentary telling the story of Laudato Si’ and how climate change is affecting the Earth and all those who inhabit it. Available on YouTube: (3) The Pope, the Environmental Crisis, and Frontline Leaders | The Letter: Laudato Si Film – YouTube The Sisters of St. Joseph invite us to read their weekly newsletter for help in living the lifestyle of an environmentally responsible Catholic Christian.
The Diocesan Synthesis Report for the Synod Interim Stage 2024 has been completed. 2024 DOR Synthesis report – final We are invited to keep using the resources in the report to continue growing in “synodality”. “How do I recognize Synodality?” is one of the blogs on The Pentecost Vigil Project website. The National Interim Synod report is also finalized. The Digital Synod is leading the way in calling for today’s evangelists (that’s all of us, remember) to be internet savvy, for it is a primary communication tool of this age. Some are beginning to talk about what it means to be a synodal leader. Here’s one look at it for Bishops, and talk with us about our workshop that begins to form parish leaders. NCCL and Loyola University received a grant from the Lilly Foundation to form synodal parishes across the United States. Georgetown University hosted a synodal laboratory for Church leaders in March.
- It is a precept of the Church that we celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation at least annually (more often if in a state of mortal sin). Please do not dishonor Jesus in the Eucharist and do damage to your soul by receiving the Holy Eucharist unworthily. Please examine your consciences and seek the grace of Reconciliation during our regularly scheduled times, or by appointment.
- If you are not feeling well, please remain at home. Contact Fr. Leo to receive any sacraments, and for the Anointing of the Sick (if seriously ill, scheduled for surgery or homebound).
- Come with your burdens and joys and be transformed at Mass! Jesus is waiting for you.
- If you normally work on Sunday and have another day of the week off, make that your day to come to Mass and rest (3rd Commandment).
- If you need a gluten-free host: Please arrive 10 minutes early; find the priest, introduce yourself and explain your need. Tell the priest where you will be sitting. The priest will put the GF host in a pix on the Altar for consecration. If the priest doesn’t remember you need gluten-free when you approach for Holy Communion, simply say, “Gluten-free, please.”
- Books about Mass and Christian living are available at all entrances for small children. Please return them after use.
- Although the readings are posted along with the hymns, consider listening (It’s a wholly different sensory experience.) unless hearing the lector is problematic.
- Supporting the church financially is one of our precepts. Consider online giving, or contact the office for offertory envelopes. If giving online, take a “fake dollar” as you enter and put into the basket as the ushers pass.
- The sign of peace is a reflection of being at peace with our neighbors. The Bible tells us we must be at peace with others in order to receive.
- When receiving Holy Communion in the hand, come forward. Receive and step to the side to consume. Return to your seat via the side aisles.
- Those choosing to receive on the tongue may do so, but are asked to be at the end of the Communion line. Hand sanitizer will be used after each person receives on the tongue.
- After the recessional hymn, consider joining in our tradition of praying 3 Hail Marys. The intention is for the next person who dies, or one of your choosing. Exit joyfully, knowing you are a living tabernacle, Christ living in you! Share that joy with everyone you meet, by your actions and words.
Like and follow our Facebook page for daily news, inspiration, events and Sunday livestreamed Mass.
Help for married couples experiencing anger, frustration and hurt is available by attending a Retrouvaille weekend. It’s confidential & focuses on how to heal and renew your marriage. Sign up by calling 585-293-1552 or go to
The Pflaum Gospel Weeklies are a hit among families who are forming their faith with their children. (And who doesn’t need a refresher?) Registration forms are available now at the Parish Center and the worship sites, or by request. Forms for Sacramental preparation are also available.
Cursillo is Spanish for “short course.” It is more than a simple retreat. It’s a 3-day weekend inviting all Catholics to dive into our faith and connect with God’s unlimited love and spiritual revitalization. Contact: Tim Flynn (585-281-3816) or Keith Bunker (585-613-8036) or visit the website: for more info.
Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. As good stewards we have a responsibility to keep them in good shape. For times we need help, we partner with these organizations:
The Catholic Daughters thank all who bought tickets. The Knights of Columbus thank all who supported their pulled pork dinner on 11/9.
Conflicts are inevitable. The Center for Dispute Settlement is a non-profit community dispute resolution center, serving the Greater Rochester and Finger Lakes region since 1973. They have a revised website which describes their services. It is a Spiritual Work of Mercy to forgive faults quickly. Sometimes help is needed.
All year long find amazing gift ideas through SERRV and economic development projects funded by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). By putting our faith into action when gift giving, we can support enterprises that provide decent wages and working conditions, protect the environment, and support people on the margins, helping them build better lives.
The sexual abuse cases brought against the Diocese are moving ahead. The Diocese’s actions are to protect individual parishes. Please continue to pray for this situation and the healing of those who suffer. Additionally, you may want to watch “The Sound of Freedom.” This movie shines an authentic light on one of the crucial criminal horrors of our time, child sex trafficking. It has Christian undertones and many viewers consider it a thriller. It is based on a true story.
For state-wide Catholic action, visit the New York State Catholic Conference’s Catholic Action Network at There you can see all the active alerts and register for updates. You can also sign up for text alerts by texting CAN to 50457. Share via email. If copying and sharing via social media, use the hashtags: #Catholic #CatholicActionNetwork
Did you know that New York is the 38th hungriest state in the Union? Click here to learn more. Want more opportunities to put your faith into action? Join the Catholic Action Network! By providing your email address, you will get be advised of important ways we can impact laws in our State. Remember, Christ is counting on us!
“The Declaration issued by the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) on 12/18/23 articulated a distinction between liturgical (sacramental) blessings, and pastoral blessings (which may be given to persons who desire God’s loving grace in their lives): “The Church’s teaching on marriage has not changed. This declaration affirms that, while also making an effort to accompany people through the imparting of pastoral blessings, each of us needs God’s healing love and mercy in our lives.” It is a spiritual work of Mercy to pray for the living and the dead. In such a divided world, offering all people up to God seems like the right thing to do.
The Catholic Courier Journal, weekly, online
Justice, Peace & Life, monthly
The Catholic Climate Covenant, monthly
Growing in Faith Together, monthly for the 16-39 yr. old crowd
“Just Us” (weekly from the Sisters of St. Joseph of Rochester)
Creating A Safe Environment (quarterly)
Helping People Help Themselves (quarterly)
Open Wide our Hearts (weekly), Salt & Light (weekly) and Justice, Peace & Life (monthly)
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Rochester Chapter
The Grapevine Express, for the aging community, bi-monthly.
Yates Prevention Coalition News: Protective factors help kids grow up healthy and substance-free. The positive messages come in the form of kits. Email to get a kit with all the instructions!
The Coalition meets monthly, on the 4th Wednesday at 2:30-4 PM in person (1st floor conference room of the Yates County Building) or via Zoom. All are welcome. Stay up to date by visiting its Facebook page or visit its website.
Are you a family with young children? Healthy Families of Ontario & Yates may be of some help.