“If you learn everything except Christ, you learn nothing. If you learn nothing except Christ, you learn everything.” –St. Bonaventure
What is your God moment? That moment when you are overcome with gratitude because you realized in a very deep and personal way that God loves you and died for you? It’s the intersection of head knowledge and heart knowledge. It draws you into a deeper relationship with Him, compelling you to want be His disciple. It leads to desire to study of Scripture, a life of prayer and worship, and a life of service.
As adults, we make many choices over the longest part of our earthly lives: What career to choose? Who to date? Remain single? How to hear God’s call? How to continue to form my faith? Travel? Get married? (What if it isn’t working out?) How to serve God by serving others? How to handle disappointments and loss? How to be a good steward of all I’ve been given by God, the good and the bad? How to carry the crosses God allows for me until reunited in Heaven one day?
It all comes down to having hope & joy, which we find when we bind ourselves to Jesus. Enjoy this video that helps us to understand this.
Young Adults
When it comes to practicing your faith, does it sometimes feel like you are just going through the motions? The Hudsons have a story to share with you. God desires to have an intimate relationship with us! You can also get a daily dose of encouragement from Dynamic Catholic, delivered straight to your inbox.
Do you have questions about choosing and registering at a parish? What about tithing and getting involved? Check out the graphics at The McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame to help make parish life more accessible to you. Here we have a Facebook page just for you. And the Diocese publishes “Growing In Faith Together” weekly, just for you. It is posted each Wednesday on OLOL’s YS FB page.
As someone relatively new to the work force, you may find you are scheduled to work weekends. Honor the Third Commandment and make your day off your personal Sabbath by going to daily Mass! Through our active participation in the sacraments and making an effort to pray daily He will grow in us. Participate in ministries, fellowship with other parishioners, join one of our parish’s book groups, view Catholic TV and listen to Christian radio. Click Resources for more ideas.
Although we read in Scripture, “Be fruitful and multiply,” some are called to the single life. Read this if you need encouragement in that walk.
“While all members of the family are called to live out the foundational Christian virtues, fathers and mothers have a special responsibility for fostering these virtues within their children. They are the first to proclaim the faith to their children. They are responsible for nurturing the vocation of each child, showing by example how to live the married life, and taking special care if a child might be called to the priesthood or consecrated life.”
– USCCB, Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan, 2009 Many additional resources can be found here. Go to our News & Events tab to get links for how to celebrate the Year of St. Joseph and The Year of the Family!
The blessing of children
If there was some selfishness on your part, this is the time to put that away and begin living for your children. Contact the pastor as soon as possible after learning of pregnancy or adoption to prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism. Parenting throughout their years requires different strategies and skills, However, there are basics that help in the building of your “domestic church.” From the time of infancy includes:
- Pray together, establishing a prayer center in your home.
- Incorporate spiritual reading into your life and theirs. (Good Reads has many titles, of many genres and authors, including Bibles, Catechisms and apologetics. Or choose Catholic Christian magazines. Ask for help selecting the best one for you and your circumstances.
- Listen to Christian radio. Stations of the Cross or Family Life Network or KLove
- Tune into EWTN TV.
- Consider vacationing at Camp Koinonia, located within our parish boundary! This beautiful get-away offers week-long retreat vacations for families to grow closer, relax and renew their spirits. The program staff consists of a priest, spiritual directors and program directors. Teens are offered a life changing experience as staffers, serving the families and finding lifelong friends. Young adults also have an important place at Camp Koinonia, as Holy Helpers. To learn more, click here.
Parenting Teens
The motto of the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry is Strong Catholic Families, Strong Catholic Youth.” See more by clicking here. An hour webinar entitled “Catholic Family & Marriage, Inc.” tells the story of the Padgetts. Compelling.
The Empty Nesters
You have done all you could: You have tried to imitate Christ in the home, the Church and your community with your words and actions. You have prayed for your family, the Church, and the issues in society. You may have had to carry the crosses of death/separation/loss of loved ones, health or income. Yet, you asked for God’s grace to carry you through and it has been given. You brought your child(ren) up in the study and practice of our faith. And now they are going off on their own. You are again free to pursue the things you may have had to give up to devote time and action to family life.
The Aging
Your prayer life still includes your family, especially any wayward ones, your parish, diocese and the global Church. As you age, continue to cast your cares on our God, who is faithful and will show you the ways He is close to you and can keep you close to His people. Continue to offer praise for each new day. If you have not yet contacted your local office for the aging, they offer many services that can help prevent loneliness and transportation loss, among others. If memory loss is a problem, or being a care provider for an elderly individual, get in touch with The Alzheimer’s’ Association. Their 24/7 help line is 1-800-272-3900.
At any time and any age or status, request help with prayer, study, community and action. We are The Body of Christ. We can provide you with face-to-face opportunities, retreats or suggest online resources. Try these highly recommended online ones: our own Facebook page, Ascension Press weekly roundup, Team RCIA, Agape Bible Study, worship at our liturgies (See schedule at the side.), enjoy Christian radio (Stations of the Cross, Family Life Network or KLove) serve with other members of our parish family through ministries, the K of C or the CDA.