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For other weekly events check out our bulletin section by clicking here.
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Ongoing events:
Family Faith Formation (September – May)
K of C Breakfast (2nd of each month) at St. Michael’s 7 – 10:30 AM in the Hall
10 AM Bulletin Submission deadline: to
Rosary 4-5 PM in the Prayer Chapel of St. Michael’s (except Monday holidays)
OLOL Book Club (2nd of each month) 7-9:30 PM in the Parish Center Dining Room
Alcoholic Anonymous at St. Michael’s, in the Parish Center: 8-9 PM
at St. Januarius:
Prayer Shawl Ministry 8:30 – 10:00 AM in the Knitter’s room
Weight Watchers 5:30 – 7:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall
at St. Michael’s Parish Center:
Alcoholic Anonymous 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Hispanic Faith Sharing 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Buildings and Grounds Committee (2nd of each month): 8 – 9 AM
Dining Hall of the Homestead, Penn Yan Mass (3rd of each month): 10:30 – 11:15 AM
Knights of Columbus (2nd of each month) at St. Michael’s Hall, 7-9 PM
Food Truck Ministry (2nd of each month) At St. Patrick’s parking lot, 9:30 – 11 AM
Alcoholics Anonymous 6-7 PM, St. Mike’s Parish Center
Food Distribution (4th of each month) at PY 1st Baptist Church, 8:30 – 11 AM,
Men’s Prayer Group (1st & 3rd of each month) Fellowship Hall of St. Januarius: 7-8:30 AM
Running Group 9 AM in St. Januarius’ Fellowship Hall
Liturgy Committee (1st of each month): at St. Michael’s: 10-11:30 AM in the Parish Center
CDA Brunch meeting (2nd of each month): at St. Michael’s Hall: 9 AM – 12 PM