Has God rescued you from a deep sadness? An emotional, relational or physical problem? Have you been so grateful that you want to share what He has done in your life (testimony)? If you answered yes, glory to God! Encourage others as together we strive to know, love and serve God. Participate in any of the Faith Formation programs offered below. Become a volunteer with any of them! Training through live and online courses is made available through the Diocese. (This is another example of how our gifts to the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) come back to us! Thank you for your generosity!)
Programs offered:
+ Family Faith Formation: The entire family learns together by meeting with the Religious Education Coordinator 1x/month. Units correspond with the weekly lessons parents, children and youth are breaking open at home. Alive in Christ from Our Sunday Visitor Press is our curriculum.
+ Preparation for the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation and Marriage by contacting the pastor. The Sacraments — God’s invisible love made visible.
+ Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): Catechists and core team members provide a process for those seeking any of the Sacraments of Initiation, or to become members of the Roman Catholic faith. The team facilitates faith sharing presentations on various topics of faith.+ Adult education/Small Christian Communities/spiritual reading groups
+ Retreats (Offered through the diocese for teens and adults.) The locations vary. Contact Patty Larzelere to see what is planned. NEEDED! Volunteer leaders for +Gather Our Children: Children’s Liturgy of the Word and scheduled homilies for children, aged 2-7. CASE trained volunteers share the readings in “kid friendly language” and offer an activity while parents and older siblings remain in the Nave for the Mass readings and homily.
What’s missing? Teens and young adults! Why? Because we have no programs specifically for them? Because they never felt connected to us, The Body of Christ, through lack of activities involving people of all ages? Have we failed to communicate to them that we love them, accept them as they are and miss them when they are not with us? We, those still here, need to take the first step!
The Revised Pastoral Plan – 2018 (2) calls for a committee of the Pastor, the Religious Education Coordinator and members representing all ages from all worship sites to recommend direction and changes for religious instruction and sacramental programs of children, teens, young adults and older adults. Additionally, the committee is to coordinate parish-wide programs, promote Small Christian Communities, and craft and submit an annual budget to the parish Finance Committee and Business Manager.
This committee will also be highly involved in evangelical activities in hopes of answering the “Why” question above. Let’s be the caring, sharing Church Christ commissions us to be! Talk to the Religious Education Coordinator to get involved.