A Roman Catholic Parish Serving:

Penn Yan, Dundee, Naples, Prattsburgh,

Rushville, and Stanley


Saint Michael's Church
Penn Yan, NY
Parish Founded: 1850
Current Church: 1902


Saint Michael's Catholic School
Penn Yan, NY
School Founded: 1882
Grades: PreK-5


Saint Patrick's Church
Prattsburg, NY
Parish Founded: 1860
Current Church: 1868


Saint Januarius' Church
Naples, NY
Parish Founded: 1876
Current Church: 1964

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Orzels working on Pflaum weekly lesson
LaChapelle Shrine
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Liturgical Ministries

These are the Liturgical Ministries:

Come Pray with Mary/The Most Holy Rosary: The Come Pray with Mary Rosary Group began praying together in September 1988.  Parishioners gather each Monday at St. Michael’s Chapel dedicating prayers for world peace, for an end to abortion, for all priests; especially those at OLOL, and for our own special intentions.  Saint John Paul II reminded us that “to recite the rosary is nothing other than to contemplate with Mary the face of Christ”.  You are most welcome to join us from 4-5pm on Monday’s.   Honor our Blessed Mother, pray the rosary and integrate this practice of Catholic Spirituality into your prayer life.

Cleaners: These volunteers wash linens, clean and organize the Sacristy, or church, or associated facilities. Training provided.

Decorators: The beautification of our worship space and buildings is their concern. They establish and maintain an appropriate setting for our liturgies and events, consistent with the Church calendar.

Sacristans: These volunteers unlock the church one half hour before Masses. They assure that all the wine, bread, cups and other necessary items are in place for Mass, and put them away when Mass is over.

Greeters: These volunteers give a hearty welcome to all who enter for Mass. They may encourage introductions, direct people to restrooms, ask ushers to help find seating and answer basic questions about the parish. They are stationed at each door. Their ministry begins 20 minutes prior to Masses.

Ushers: Assisting in welcoming, finding seating and collecting the offerings are the jobs of the ushers.

Choir member/Cantor/Instrumentalist: Bringing us closer to God through music is the job of these people. Willingness to attend rehearsals and training is required.

Altar Servers: Assisting the priest at Mass is the job of these volunteers, young or older. Training is provided.

Lectors: The ability to proclaim the Word of God with strength and conviction is the job of these volunteers. Training is provided. A three year commitment is requested.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Leaders: While the adults and older children hear the Scriptures and Homily, this group of parishioners meet in another space, offering the Scriptures in kid-friendly language with a simple activity that is appropriate for children who have not yet received their First Holy Communions. Materials and support are available.

Eucharistic Ministers: These volunteers are trained to offer the Body and Blood of Jesus either at Mass or to the home bound. A three year commitment is requested.

Count team: In pairs or small groups these volunteers count the collected offerings and prepare them for bank deposit. Training is required. A three year commitment is requested.

Prayer Line: Since 1978, a dedicated team of parishioners prays for any special intentions. To join them or have yours added to the list, contact the parish secretary.

Our Locations, Mass Times and Events

Weekly Bulletins: Click Here

Come worship the Lord with us!  

Mass Times*                                                                    St. Michael, 312 Liberty St., Penn Yan  14527
Monday - 8 am
Wednesday - Noon
T/Th/Fr - 8 am Communion Service                                  Saturday - 5:30 pm
Sunday 10:30 am & Streaming @
https://www.facebook.com/ourladyofthelakescc              Adoration:  Thursdays, 8:30-9:30 AM

St. Januarius, 180 N. Main St., Naples  14512
Tuesday & Thursday at 8 am.  Adoration follows Mass on Thursdays.                M/W/Fr - 8 am Communion Service
Sunday - 8:30 am

St. Patrick, 47 N. Main St., Prattsburgh  14873
Saturday - 3:30 pm

*For Holy Day/Holiday Schedule of Mass times, please call 315-536-7459 or check the preceding bulletin.

Sacramental Reconciliation & PenanceSaturday:  5-5:20 PM at St. Michael's, or call Fr. Leo (607-279-3750) to make an appointment.

The parish office in Penn Yan is staffed, M-F, 9 AM - 1 PM.

Travelling and don't want to miss Mass?  Find them on Sunday Mass Near Me.

Volunteer Here!

Donate To OLOL!

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