
Saint Michael's Church
Penn Yan, NY
Parish Founded: 1850
Current Church: 1902


Saint Michael's Catholic School
Penn Yan, NY
School Founded: 1882
Grades: PreK-5


Saint Patrick's Church
Prattsburg, NY
Parish Founded: 1860
Current Church: 1868


Saint Januarius' Church
Naples, NY
Parish Founded: 1876
Current Church: 1964

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Orzels working on Pflaum weekly lesson
LaChapelle Shrine
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Site Specific Ministries

At all locations:
Counters:  Pairs or small groups count the weekend offerings and prepare necessary accounting and bank paperwork.
Coffee Hour Teams:  Provide a setting for socialization and fellowship following the Sunday Mass. Core volunteers are responsible for set-up and clean-up of this weekly hospitality event.
Church Cleaners:  Provide cleaning and organization to the church and facility.
Mowers: Keeping the church grounds mowed. Two hours weekly.
Gardeners:  At all worship sites people are needed spring and fall to clean the gardens and to weed throughout the growing season.

At S. Jan’s & St. Mike’s
Martha’s Ministry/Post funeral:   These parishioners provides a helpful meal for the grieving family at the church after the funeral service. Teams coordinate, set up, prepare, serve and clean up reception and may contribute hot/cold dishes and desserts.

At St. Jan’s, Naples
Grape Festival Yard Sale: 
Three days of celebrating grapes, usually the last weekend of September. Throughout the year, donations are sought for this all parish fund raiser. It is a huge undertaking which requires many hands to sort, tag and help purchasers. Another great opportunity for fun and fellowship!
Sue Cook Prayer Shawl Ministry:  Named for its deceased organizer, this group provides an opportunity for parishioners to gather and pray as they create prayer shawls and lap robes for those who are in need of comfort, care and love.

At St. Patrick’s, Prattsburgh:
A mobile food truck is scheduled for the 2nd Friday of the month. Volunteers arrive around 9:00 AM. The truck arrives around 9:15 – 9:30. Some days volunteers need to bag fruits and vegetables from large containers into smaller ones, in addition to unloading smaller items. The driver brings the sign up sheets and paperwork. Anyone can receive food for their family. No questions about income. The distribution is from 10:00 to 11:00 AM.   Click here to see the schedule for the mobile food pantry. If weather causes the truck to be canceled, any cancellations are posted there.  
Honoring St. Patrick:  The Corned Beef and Cabbage Supper (ham also available) is held annually near St. Patrick’s Day.  Proceeds help the entire parish. Whether you are on the planning, preparing, serving, entertainment or clean up teams or just attend, you are sure to experience food, fun and fellowship.

At St. Mike’s, Penn Yan
Grandma’s Kitchen:  This program provides Penn Yan Academy’s high school students a healthy snack option after school twice a week during the months of January and February. This is a collaborative with PY area churches, Pro Action of Steuben and Yates, Inc. and the Penn Yan School.
Coffee and Conversation:  Held twice monthly at Clinton Crest, a home for the aged in Penn Yan. (See Events schedule for dates and times.) Residents are joined by people receiving services through the Arc of Yates.
My Brother’s Keeper Quilt Group:  Meets every other Monday from 10 a.m. to 2 pm. at St. Michael’s Church hall to make beautiful quilts for distribution through Yates Christmas. They average 200 quilts annually for this ministry. If you can tie a knot, you can be an integral member of this ministry. Bring your lunch, all supplies are provided. (Meets September to June.)
Handicapped Bus: In concert with the Penn Yan Council of Churches, parishioners volunteer to get those with mobility issues to Sunday morning services and home again (October and March).  See what some of our parishioners have to say about this service here.
Walk to end hunger: Also in concert with the Penn Yan Council of Churches, parishioners get pledges and walk to raise money that helps our brothers and sisters locally. Great friendships are built with our Protestant brothers and sisters.

At St. Theresa’s, Stanley
St. Pauley Textile Box:  Located at St. Theresa’s, clothing and other textile articles can be dropped off to be reused. Money collected from the use of this box goes to support our youth.

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