
Saint Michael's Church
Penn Yan, NY
Parish Founded: 1850
Current Church: 1902


Saint Michael's Catholic School
Penn Yan, NY
School Founded: 1882
Grades: PreK-5


Saint Patrick's Church
Prattsburg, NY
Parish Founded: 1860
Current Church: 1868


Saint Januarius' Church
Naples, NY
Parish Founded: 1876
Current Church: 1964

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Orzels working on Pflaum weekly lesson
LaChapelle Shrine
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Councils & Committees

For minutes of these councils/committees, go to  https://ourladyofthelakescc.org/bulletins-and-news/council-minutes/ ‎.

Parish Pastoral Council:

The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body that collaborates with the pastor in setting the pastoral direction of the parish. The council seeks to listen to the Holy Spirit to discern what is best for the parish in the light of the Gospel, the Church’s teaching, and the experiences and needs of parishioners and the surrounding community.  Use the list to contact any of us! The Parish Pastoral Council strives to achieve consensus on recommendations that affect future directions for spiritual growth and pastoral activity. The Council, whose membership is discerned annually, meets monthly, usually the second Monday of each month, 6-7:30 PM in St. Michael’s Hall.  Here is your councilors and how to contact them.  2024-2025 contact list

Parish Finance Council:
The Parish Finance Council is a consultative body which aids the pastor in the administration of financial resources, including the parish’s buildings and grounds. Members of the Finance Council provide expertise in finance, administration and law. The five to seven people who are members of this Council are appointed by the pastor and serve for a term of five years.

Care of the Community Meetings:
Each worship site hosts a Care of the Community meeting to discuss issues relevant to that worship site. Issues raised are then given to the Pastoral Council for discussion and input. The meetings are information sharing opportunities open to all parishioners.

Liturgy Committee:
This standing committee’s task is to plan our communal celebrations so that everyone is drawn into the mystery of God’s amazing love for us. Are we offering a beautiful worship space? Engaging music? Well trained Lectors and Eucharistic ministers? Support to the priests? Ease of reception of the Sacraments? Does our time together enliven us to live our lives as Christ’s disciples? The goal is to honor and praise God through Word, Worship, Community & Discipleship, which unites us to the Universal Church. The pastor is the chairperson. He is assisted by eight parishioners and our parochial vicar. They meet monthly from August to June.

Social Ministry Committee:
Members of this committee bring parishioners attention to issues that increase awareness of all human needs. It provides opportunities for parishioners to advocate for social justice and empowers parishioners to demonstrate their faith in God through service to others. All of its ministries encourage parishioners to apply gospel principles which promote social justice.

Stewardship Committee:
Being good stewards of the time, talent, and treasure that God gives to us is the focus of this committee.  Communicating the principles of stewardship, helping parishioners to recognize the gifts they have been given, how parishioners might use these gifts in our Church and increasing parishioners’ participation in the life of our community are some of the goals of this committee. In conjunction with Faith Formation, we hope to form Intentional Disciples.  A focus of the Stewardship Committee in 2022 is to help us understand more about the danger of cyrptocurrency mining.  Use this fact sheet from Seneca Lake Guardian to get started.  Be on the look out for ways the Stewardship Committee will ask us to get involved.  See this additional page for committee minutes and more about Stewardship.

Evangelical and Catechetical Committee:
This committee plans parish-wide programs and activities to help us to know each other, learn the tenets of our faith and share the Good News of the Gospel.

Buildings and Grounds Committee:
These members provide advice to the pastor on the condition of our properties and coordinate maintenance schedules.

Cemetery Committee:
These parishioners oversee the process, care and condition of our three cemeteries according to diocesan guidelines.

Area Councils of Churches

Working together locally with our Protestant brothers and sisters for the benefit of all God’s children is the aim of the councils. There are two within our parish — in Penn Yan and Naples. Meetings are monthly.  Anne Meyer-Wilber is the Penn Yan rep.  Deacon Tim is the Naples rep.

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